Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Things That Go Bump In The Night

It's 4 am and I have been awake for two hours now, doing my best to keep quiet so that the Mr. and our darling little Rudy puppy can get their rest. I hate being quite, and moreover, I hate not being able to sleep.
It's funny what goes on in the middle of the night that you would miss if say, oh, you were sleeping like a normal person. The sounds the Mr. makes can be ferocious. The informercials are really good ones you don't see during waking hours. I like to start on Channel 2 and go straight on through to 60-whatever and just count. And laugh. Tonight's favorite: Out Of Your Life Jewelry. Got some old earrings from a boyfriend? An engagement ring or two? Well get them out of your life and earn some extra cash for things you really want like a vacation to Tahiti. ( My version of actual commentary, but might I say, very engaging)
That's not what I would pick, but the girl in the commercial did. And with each piece of jewelry she dropped into the pre-paid envelope, she reminisced about Billy and Timmy, and on and on and on. Let me tell you, that was one busy girl with all that jewelry.
So, why can't I sleep? Well, I equate it to the same feeling I would get on the last night of summer just before I slipped on that lovely Saint Mary's uniform and trotted off for another year of school. I'm just plain excited about life this week. That's all. And that's a good thing. For I would much rather lay here next to the snoring Mr., watching informercials, and stalking Facebook than to be laying here worrying.
Good night...or rather, good morning, ya'll!

1 comment:

Lee Ann said...

you. are. hilarious.
this reminds me of that mc hammer gold commercial.